
Green Mobility: The Future of Transportation in Denmark and in the EU


The Conference


The conference will be have presentations both in English and Danish and it will be held at the Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy (DK), which is a location known worldwide among energy experts. At the centre you will be able to experience different renewable energy technologies and have a complete overview on how could a transition towards a 100% renewable energy society occur.

The conference hall is located in SkibstedFjord, which is an example of innovative underground architecture. The building, with its 670 m2 and its 140 places, is the ideal location for conferences on renewable energy topics, and enjoys a very pleasant indoor climate in every season.


Please, check this section to find the latest version of the programme.


















Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy is a non-profit, independent, organisation that provides research, development of technology, training and information for the manufacture, industrial innovation and implementation of renewable energy technologies and energy savings in Denmark and throughout the world. Folkecenter intends to achieve measurable increases in the utilisation of renewable energy technologies and thereby significant reductions in environmental pollution associated with energy use in Denmark and elsewhere. It obtains support from local authorities, national and international agencies, and the industry. The ultimate long term purpose is a complete replacement of fossil fuels and atomic power with renewable energies.




The Danish Society of Engineers, IDA, is a modern professional association for technical and science professionals, which has offices in Copenhagen, Odense, Aarhus and Aalborg.

IDA has more than 100,000 members and represents the interests of employees, managers and self-employed within the fields of pay and employment, the labour market, industrial policy, skills, careers and training, the working environment, technology and research.

IDA's vision is to help technical knowledge workers set the agenda via competence development, network establishment, and political influence.

IDA’s goal is to be an influential, high profile society. Several politically appointed committees ensure that the views and objectives of our society become known and are made visible in areas ranging from education policy, equal opportunity, industrial and labour market policies, work environment and research and technology.




NOAH works to improve the living environment by stopping the destruction of the environment and present alternatives.

NOAH´s vision is a just and sustainable world, where decisions are made democratic.

NOAH is an environmental movement started in 1969. NOAH is the Danish member of Friends of the Earth – the largest global network of environmental NGOes.

NOAH is currently focused on climate, energy, sustainable transport, sustainable food production, bio-diversity and sustainable use of resources.




VedvarendeEnergi works for 100% renewable energy in a sustainable world. We are a member based NGO with activities in Denmark and in developing countries. SustainableEnergy was created in 1975 as a protest against plans for nuclear power in Denmark under the name “Organisation for Vedvarende Energi" (OVE). In 2010 we changed our name into VedvarendeEnergi (SustainableEnergy).







INFORSE- Europe is one of the 7 regions of the International Network for Sustainable Energy (INFORSE), which is a worldwide NGO network formed at the Global Forum in Rio in 1992.

INFORSE has more than 145 member organisations worldwide and works for implementation of sustainable energy solutions by exchange of information, awareness creation, formulation and implementation of strategies, and lobbying of international forums.

INFORSE-Europe has 85 members from 35 countries. The Danish members include NOAH, SustainableEnergy (VedvarendeEnergi), DIB, and the Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy.



The event is supported by Europa Nævnet


Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy
Kammersgaardsvej 16, Sdr. Ydby
DK-7760 Hurup Thy
CVR: 7229 1212
Tel +45 9795 6600
Fax +45 9795 6565

© 2017 Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy